
Elevate Your Company’s Brand with Custom Window Film Graphics

October 10, 2020

custom window film

Company brand identity is usually associated with product, service, and visuals. These things should set your company apart from the competition in the eyes of your ideal audience. However, the identity of the workplace can be just as, if not more, important than anything your customers or clients get to see.

The workplace is where everything that makes your company brand identity unique originates. But far too often, a company overlooks this reality and fails to spend enough time investing in its office’s visual identity. You need to provide your workforce with an environment that captures and emphasizes your brand identity’s most crucial elements.

One of the best and most cost-effective ways to do this is by designing and installing some custom window film graphics

Curate a Culture of Creativity 

“Building a brand identity is a multi-disciplinary strategic effort,” Investopedia explains, “and every element needs to support the overall message and business goals.” As popular as minimalist designs are right now, if it’s not in alignment with the identity and culture you want your brand to represent, then your office shouldn’t use it. 

 Custom window film designs can be a simple way to foster creativity and productivity in the office. If your brand defines itself with colors and fun graphics, your office should define itself with those same visual elements. Think how much easier it would be for your team to feel connected to the work they do when your company’s motto is used as a creative decoration!

LINTEC Digital Window Graphics can work with you to print a custom window film graphic that adheres to any of your office’s glass surfaces. With the right combination of color and brand-specific design, you can foster a company culture that encourages creativity, productivity, and personal investment.

What Kind of Custom Graphic Window Film Designs Does LINTEC Offer?

Custom window graphic film can improve your brand identity in a number of ways, both dramatic and subtle. Want to elevate your office aesthetic with visual allusions?

We can make stunning waterfalls, adorn your windows with brilliantly colored garden visuals, or simply create a fun interpretation of your logo that greets passersby as they walk past the door to your office.

For example, if your company wants to adopt eco-friendly practices (and it should!), LINTEC can print recyclable window films that support that initiative! The ECO-2000 ZC is manufactured from 80% recycled PET material and, like all of the window film graphics we offer, can be customized and printed to whatever specifications you want! 

The branding opportunities with custom window film are as vast as your imagination. Whatever you can dream up, LINTEC can print into a custom window film. And since our products can be easily installed and removed, you don’t have to feel tied to a specific design. If your brand’s identity changes or you just want to shake up the office’s aesthetic, our custom window film designs can be taken down and replaced with whatever you dream up next.

If you have any questions about the types of custom window film that LINTEC can help you bring to life, get in touch with us! We would love to talk with you about the many ways you can improve your brand with a few strategically placed decorative window films.

How Digital Window Graphics Can Help Revitalize Your Office Culture

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